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Who We Are

Introducing… The Roc-King Club!

Born in glorious London town - with dreams of travelling UK-wide and across the globe - The Roc-King Club is here to deliver magic, wonder, and fabulous food to boot! The ultimate family experience - a ground breaking, one-of-a-kind combination of sensationally immersive theatre, exquisite and innovative dining, and roaming world-class performers. Together, we’ll create truly wonderful memories that will last forever.

The Roc-King Club was born out of one mother’s desire to give her whole family a chance to dress up for a fabulous night out. Enter The Roc-King Club, where we bring dreams to life, transform make-believe into reality, and provide our guests with an extraordinary experience that the whole family will adore.

This is the hottest ticket in town, playing in the most glamorous of venues. Here, you’ll mingle with royalty and witness (just a little) chivalry, so be sure to dress your best! It’s a fantastical world of whimsy, wonder and make-believe where you’re in the thick of the action – and you get to decide the result. Unforgettable characters, astonishing skills and incredible food come together to prove to you that dreams really can come true.

Watch this space for the line-up of Roc-King Club dates, coming to a town near you!

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